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Accounting Equation: The accounting equation states that Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders’ Equity. It must always balance.
The names of financial statements related to assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity:
- Definition: Assets are anything valuable that a company owns. They represent economic resources that provide future benefits.
- Categories/Types:
- Current Assets: Cash and assets that can be converted into cash within a year (e.g., inventory, accounts receivable).
- Fixed Assets (Non-Current Assets): Long-term assets like land, buildings, machinery, and trademarks.
- Formula: Total Assets = Current Assets + Fixed Assets.
- Statement: Assets are listed on the balance sheet.
- Definition: Liabilities are debts or obligations that a company owes to others. They represent claims against the company’s assets.
- Categories/Types:
- Current Liabilities: Debts due within the next 12 months (e.g., accounts payable, short-term loans).
- Non-Current Liabilities: Long-term debts (e.g., long-term loans, bonds).
- Formula: Total Liabilities = Current Liabilities + Non-Current Liabilities.
- Statement: Liabilities are also listed on the balance sheet.
Shareholders’ Equity:
- Definition: Shareholders’ equity represents the residual interest in a company after deducting liabilities from assets. It’s the net worth of the business.
- Formula: Shareholders’ Equity = Total Assets – Total Liabilities.
- Statement: Shareholders’ equity is reported on the balance sheet as either “Owners’ Equity” (for sole proprietorships or partnerships) or “Shareholders’ Equity” (for corporations).
In summary:
- Assets: What a company owns.
- Liabilities: What a company owes.
- Shareholders’ Equity: What’s left over for shareholders after deducting liabilities.
These concepts are fundamental for understanding a company’s financial health and are crucial for financial reporting.
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