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New Accounting Model (Exam-2009)
Books references: 1. Account Code (Volume III). 2. Chart of Accounts (Issued by CGA). 3. Manual Accounting Principles. 4. Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual.
Private: DAO Part-I Examination 2024 (Fresh Candidates) Past Papers
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Pass Journal Entries of the following transactions in the books of AG Sindh, AGPR, FTO and SBP:
1) DDO Sindh house submitted a bill for purchase of furniture to AGPR Islamabad for Rs. 200,000 on 20th March 09:
2) AGPR issued cheque on 2nd April which was cleared by SBP on 5th April;
3) On 26th May, vouchers were exchanged in the Clearing house;
4) On 28th May, AG Sindh issued advice of settlement to SBP Karachi;
5) On 5th of June, SBP HQ Karachi sends a copy of clearance memo along with Bank statement to AG Sindh and AGPR for settlement made on 31 May. 

Certainly! Let’s record the journal entries for each of the given transactions in the books of AG Sindh, AGPR, FTO, and SBP. I’ll present them in a tabulated format:

Date Particulars AG Sindh AGPR FTO SBP
20-Mar-09 Purchase of furniture from DDO Sindh
(Bill submitted to AGPR Islamabad)
Debit: Furniture (Asset) 200,000
Credit: Accounts Payable (AGPR) 200,000
2-Apr Issuance of cheque by AGPR
Debit: Accounts Payable (AGPR) 200,000
Credit: Cash/Bank 200,000
26-May Vouchers exchanged in Clearing house
Debit: Cash/Bank 200,000
Credit: Accounts Payable (AGPR) 200,000
28-May AG Sindh issues advice of settlement
Debit: Accounts Payable (AGPR) 200,000
Credit: Cash/Bank 200,000
5-Jun SBP HQ Karachi sends clearance memo
Debit: Cash/Bank 200,000
Credit: Accounts Payable (AGPR) 200,000