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What is the difference between a cash book and a bank statement?
Let’s explore the differences between a cash book and a bank statement:
- Cash Book:
- Purpose: The cash book is used to record all transactions related to cash, checks, money orders, or postal orders within a business.
- Recording Transactions: Whenever cash is deposited in the bank, the cash book (specifically the bank column) is debited. Similarly, when a check is issued to a supplier, an entry is made in the bank column on the credit side of the cash book.
- Business Perspective: Businesses maintain cash books to stay informed about their position with the bank.
- Format: Cash books typically have two or three columns (including a bank column) to facilitate recording bank-related transactions.
- Bank Statement:
- Purpose: The bank statement is a record maintained by the bank itself to ensure its position with the account holder (the business or individual) is always known.
- Content: The bank statement lists all the bank’s transactions with the account holder. It includes deposits received, checks paid, interest earned, bank fees, and other relevant details.
- Frequency: Banks usually provide account holders with a monthly bank statement.
- Format: Bank statements are often presented in a format that shows credits (increases in liabilities) and debits (reductions in liabilities) to the account holder’s personal account.
- When David deposits money with the bank, he records it in the debit side of his cash book.
- The bank, on its side, maintains David’s personal account and records all deposits received from him in the credit column of his bank statement.